I can provide a highly professional photography and instant-printing facility at your event, whereby your members/competitors/guests etc. can view and buy their photos straight away on the day as high-resolution digital files or mounted prints, providing them with a little extra something to take home that enhances their whole experience and adds prestige to any event.
The set-up is perfect for sports events, stage shows, charity and black-tie dinners, sports club championships, martial arts competitions, prom nights, pageants and carnivals, performing competitions etc..
Free of charge to you
I usually don’t even charge for attending, I just make what I take on the day in sales from my individual customers. And I’m always happy to consider donating a percentage of my takings to the club/school etc. as a way of RAISING MONEY FOR YOU.
Click on the first image below to view a gallery slideshow of more of my Instant-Image Events photos.